Score: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
I completed a reasonable transcription of Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, from the recording that you'll find in this post, or under the Piano by Joel podcast on iTunes. My copyist skills are inadequate to the task of fully communicating my musical intentions, so if you're interested in performing this work, you may want to start by following along as you listen to the mp3, to get a feel for the music.
If you perform Jesu, please drop me a line sometime. I'd like to here how it goes.
Note: you'll need to install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Hey Joel!!!
I stumbled upon your music while searching for a hymn and I've been blown away with what I've heard so far. Any chance you could do 'The Day Thou Gavest Lord, Is Ended' tot eh St Clement tune?
Thank you, Joel! I found your site while searching for Jesu to play in the background while I play it on my flute at our Christmas program at church. I hope you don't mind playing along with me. You play beautifully, and it will fill in the gaps while i'm breathing.
God Bless you, Joel!
No problem! Thanks for finding me.
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