Rediscovering Michael Card

This holiday season I have been rediscovering Michael Card, a talented musician and Bible scholar. I first gained an appreciation of his music in college, finding his music and message compelling:

It's a question you can't answer
An answer you cannot express
That the gentle man of sorrows
Is the source of happiness
You'll never solve the mystery
Of this magnetic man
For you must believe to understand

His lyrics reveal the degree of insight he gains as he interacts with the Word of God. Many of his songs indicate that he has spent time meditating on scripture and gaining a deeper level of understanding (which, of course, can lead to more questions.)

If you're looking for something beautiful and contemplative in your selection of Christmas music, I would recommend The Promise album. If you're interested, many of his songs, going way back, are on iTunes. If you'd like to see what he's about, here's a couple recommendations:

  • Immanuel (There's another great version of this song on The Final Word)
  • Joseph's Song
  • The Promise
  • We will Find Him

Michael does have a podcast, featuring episodes nearly an hour long. You might also enjoy reading his column, which is brief, yet insightful. I read The Word Comes to the Shepherds this evening to my small group at our Christmas party. Like my last post, Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring, it would go well with a glowing Christmas tree and a cozy fire.

I'll leave you with a brief clip of the lyrics to Immanuel. I hope you get the chance to enjoy listening to some of Michael Card's work over the holidays.

Our God is with us
And if God is with us
Who could be against us
Our God is with us Immanuel


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